Artemis Chamber Orchestra is an ensemble of local, professional musicians showcasing the masterworks of the chamber repertoire as well as new and commissioned work by living composers.

The intimate setting of live chamber music allows listeners to share in a momentary, beautiful, and unique communal experience. ACO was formed to provide this experience to ALL the communities on the North Shore.
We are committed to the idea of Music for All
Each ACO season will consist of free public performances in various venues on Chicago’s North Shore, including the Wallace Bowl at Gillson Park, Somme Prairie Grove, and the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts. In addition, the ACO will hold joint concerts with underprivileged schools in order to provide outstanding musical experiences to students who otherwise would not have the opportunity to play with and hear professional orchestras.
There’s a surprising absence of chamber music in our community. By staying local and accessible to our audience, hiring from the abundance of highly qualified local musicians, and commissioning local composers, we are actively working to grow the classical music scene in the North Shore.